
Blinx a story platform for a new generation

  • Brand

Story platform for Gen Z

For Gen Z and Millennials news is broken. Fake news and biased media is eroding their trust. Blinx wanted to create something completely new. A story platform focused on data, fact and unbiased reporting.
Services: Focus groups, Research, Benchmarking, UX, UI design, Design System, Front and Back End Development and Integration and User Testing

More story. Less noise. 2.2m followers

Working as part of their start up team from the ground up. Creating brand story, guidelines and a design system that worked across all channels.
Brand development, naming, value proposition, product development, Website, Mobile app and Apple TV design, Design System, CMS, front end build and data strategy.
Our go to market line; More story. Less noise. summed up the brand promise.
Results 2.2m followers on social channels within 12 months.